Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Injil (Gospel) study version published in Tazi language

Kottayam (Kerala), SVM News, October 9 2007: Bible Society of India publishing the entire New Testament in Tazi language and the Salem Voice Ministries (http://salemvoice.org) distributing it among Muslims.

"Eternal Words of Life" has been already published by the Bible Society of India by name "Injil". It is a study version of the Gospel according St. Luke and the Acts of the Apostles.

It has 340 pages, including cover pages. Introduction about the Bible, introductions about the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, maps of the Old Testament and New Testament periods, images of the third century and nineth century manuscripts and glossary are also included.

The entire New Testament is under printing and it will be released soon.

The terminology of the new book is familiar for Muslims, such as Ilah for God, Ilahi-puthran for Son of God, Isa for Jesus, Jibiril for Gabriel, Ibrahim for Abraham, Moosa for Moses, Davood for David, Sulaiman for Solomon, Yahya for John the Baptist, malakh for angel, musaliyar for priest, sahabi for disciple and anbiya for prophets.

A simple and detailed notes have been given in the margines from the Old Testament, so that any readers can easily understand the Gospel to attain salvation.

There are millions of muslims speaking Tazi language in India. It is first ever in the world publishing Bible for this group of people.

"We found a vast number of people are interested to read "Injil" and responding with questions and doubts. We do follow up ministry among them", Paul Ciniraj, Director of Salem Voice Ministries told.

One book costs 28 Indian Rupees, but it distributes freely.

There are about 40 questions at the end of the book. A full Bible will be given as a gift for those who answer the questions of the book.

SVM News with pictures: http://salemvoice.org/svmnews253.html

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