Wednesday, September 17, 2008

86th Memorial Celebrations of Archbishop Alvares Mar Julius

(Paul Ciniraj, Malankara Sabha Missionary)

Panaji (Goa, India), SVM News, 18 September, 2008: The 86th memorial day of the Blessed Archbishop Alvares Mar Julius is celebrating on 23 and 24 of September at Ribander St. Mary's Orthodox Syrian Church in Panaji in Goa in India. Geeverghese Mar Coorilos, the Bishop of Mumbai and Kolkotha Dioceses will be leading the memorial day celebrations.

There will be a Padayatra (journey on foot by a large number of people) on September 23 from the cemetery where Alvares Mar Julius was buried to the Rebinder St. Mary's Orthodox Church where his Holy Relics were shifted later. Cemetery is located around 5 miles away from the church.

Bishop Alvares was born in a pious and noble Catholic family of Verna in Goa on 29 April, 1836 as the son of Joseph Baptista Alvares and Marino Expectaco Lorenco. The boy was named "Antonio Francisco Xavier Alvares".

After completing his studies in Rachol Seminary in 1859 he left to Bombay and there he was ordained as a Catholic Priest in 1862 by Bishop Walter Estin, the Apostolic Vicar of Bombay.

Rev. Father Alvares came to Goa in 1867 and resided in Panaji. After reaching Goa, he started an orphanage and later a college. He was a known social worker, journalist and educationist. During his stay there, he published some periodicals and through this he criticized the misgivings of the Jesuit Missionaries which was a known fact at that time. On seeing these articles, Archbishop of Goa excommunicated him from the Roman Catholic Church and he was forced to leave the place due to the continuous persecution against him risen out of the vengeance. He later escaped to Travancore.

While he was in Travancore he attracted towards the Orthodox Syrian Church. He left Roman Catholic Church and joined the Orthodox Church in 1887. Because he embraced the Orthodox Church he was persecuted by the Catholic Church and the Portugese Government (Goa was ruled by the Portugese Government at that time).

He was falsely abdicated, arrested, stripped off his Episcopal vestments and taken through the street, only with his underwear, to the police lockup. There he was put in a filthy room without a bed or chair wherein the floor smelt of urine and faeces. He was also forcibly deprived off his cross and the ring, the episcopal insigne he was wearing. He was beaten and presented in the Court.

But the Government could not prove the allegations and he was acquitted. After few days he was caught again on alleged charges of high treason but this time too the Justice found him innocent. He was not allowed to use his Episcopal Vestments till his death; he used only a black robe.

With the permission of His Holiness Patriarch Ignatius Peter III, he was consecrated as a Bishop by Mar Joseph Dionysius (Pulikkottil), Geevarghese Mar Gregorios (St. Gregorios of Parumala), Mar Paulose Evanios of Kandanadu and Mar Athanasios (Kadavil) at Kottayam Old Seminary on 29 July 1889.

The new Metropolitan (Archbishop) Alvares Mar Julius was given the charge of the new Mangalore and Bombay dioceses with the jurisdiction of Goa, India (excluding Malabar) and Ceylon. Later many people, particularly the disillusioned Roman Catholics from other parts of India and Ceylon joined the Orthodox Church. Under the influence of Alvares, many from the old Catholic Church of America including one Rev. J. Rene Vilatte, a French Priest also joined the Church.

He was in Ceylon for more than five years. While He was there he consecrated René Vilattee as Bishop by name Mor Timotheos in the presence of Geevarghese Mar Gregorios of Parumala on 29 May, 1892. The consecration ceremony was held at the St.Mary's Church, Colombo. The Patriarch apointed Timothi Rene Vilatee as the Archbishop of America.

Because he embraced the Orthodox Church he was excommunicated and persecuted by the Catholic Church and the Portugese Government (Goa was ruled by the Portugese Government at that time). He was falsely abdicated, arrested, stripped off his Episcopal vestments and taken through the street, only with his underwear, to the police lockup. There he was put in a filthy room without a bed or chair wherein the floor smelt of urine and faeces. He was also forcibly deprived off his cross and the ring, the episcopal insigne he was wearing. He was beaten and presented in the Court.

But the Government could not prove the allegations and he was acquitted. After few days he was caught again on alleged charges of high treason but this time too the Justice found him innocent. He was not allowed to use his Episcopal Vestments till his death; he used only a black robe.

When persecutions in Goa increased, he concentrated in Canara region of Karnataka. He along with Rev. Father Noronha worked with dedication to spread the true faith among the people along the west cost of India from Mangalore to Bombay with the main base at Brahmawar and Honawar. About 5000 families joined the Orthodox Church. There he ordained two priests namely Rev. Father Joseph Kanianthra and Rev.Father Lukose of Kannamcode and a Deacon David Kunnamkulam at Brahmawar on 15 October 1911. The Brahmawar mission remains still as a symbol of his work.

Though Portugese Government dubbed him as a traitor, later he was considered by them and by all the Goans as an 'Apostle of Charity'. He started to help the wandering beggars. During the last ten years of his life he concentrated his activities in Panaji. Lepers, T.B patients, scavengers, beggars and all other destitutes became as inmates of his home.

Since he was not having any income he was forced to beg with a bowl in his one hand and a staff in the other hand for support. One day Mar Alvares requested a shop keeper for contribution. Instead of giving money, shop keeper spat in the bowl. Without getting angry Alvares told him, "All right, I shall keep this for me. Now, give something for the poor". In that respect he was very much ahead of Mother Teresa. By seeing the dedication and determination of the Arch Bishop the shop keeper contributed generously.

Arch Bishop's last days were in Ribandar Hospital at the mercy of a charitable institution, fighting against dysentery at the old age. It was his wish to be buried by any Orthodox designates but he was specific not to have any Catholic priest for the same. He breathed his last on 23 September 1923.

Since he was a well known journalist and social worker, he had a number of friends. The citizen committee lead by the Chief Justice, arranged to give a grand funeral to this Patriot and Saint. His body was kept in state in the Municipal Hall for 24 hours to enable the people to pay homage.

All the News papers were full of articles and homage about the departed Arch Bishop. The Governor General also sent his representative to pay tribute to him. Thousands of people especially poor and beggars paid their last respects.

Funeral speeches were made by high dignitaries. The funeral procession winding all the main roads of Panaji was taken and the body was laid to rest in the secluded corner (Themmadikkuzhi) of St. Inez (Panaji) cemetery on 24 September 1923 without any funeral rites.

Archbishop Alvares Mar Julius suffered alone as forsaken by everybody; just like his own Master, Jesus. As a true Christian, Alvares Mar Julius suffered like the Disciples and Martyrs of the early Christianity. None of the Orthodox Church People were nearby the bishop or resided in Goa when he was suffering persecutions.

Four years after his death, that is on 23 September, 1927, his bones were collected by his friends and admirers, kept in a lead box, buried in the same place, laid a marble slab with the inscription "Em Memoria De Padre Antonio Francisco Xavier Alvares, Diue Foimui Humanitario Missionario E Um Grade Patriota" (Padre Alvares a great Humanitarian Missionary and a great Patriot) and erected a big Cross. This is still the biggest Cross in that Cemetery.

Then next forty long years nobody visited the grave. Nobody knew where he was buried. But a jewel could not be hidden for long. His Grace Mathews Mar Athanasios, the then Metropolitan of out side Kerala Diocese (Later, His Holiness Catholicose Baselios Marthoma Mathews I) during his visit to Goa in 1967, after a lot of enquiries, found out the Tomb.

It was a coincidence that the first Holy Qurbana (Eucharist) of Orthodox Church was conducted by His Grace in the St. Inus Church where the Late Alvares Mar Julius was laid to rest. As per his and the Panaji Orthodox Parishners' wishes, a small Church was constructed in Ribandar and the Holy Relics were translated to the Church by His Grace Dr. Philipose Mar Theophilose, the Diocesan Metropolitan of Bombay on 5 October 1979.

When the St. Mary's Church was reconstructed in the same place, the Holy Relics were shifted to the present Sepulcher which was specially made on the side of the Alter, by the Catholicos of the Malankara Orthodox Church His Holiness Baselios Marthoma Mathews II on 6 October 2001.

His Holiness Mar Baselios Marthoma Didimos I, the Catholicose of the East and Malankara Metropolitan has declared the Rebinder St. Mary's Orthodox Church as a pilgrim place. A large number of people are blessed through his intercession. So many visit his Sepulcher everyday with prayers and offertory seeking blessings and favours

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